blondie concert
As part of Shan's birthday present(the other part of the present was a 2 dollar note I gave her to stuff down a trannie's cleavage at crazy horse and 2 tequila shots at top ten) I decided to take her to the blondie concert. The concert started with zircon government lounge was one of the opening acts, which I almost completely under estimated all this time. Probably because I never really liked Suzanne walker's guts... Miss walker wore a highly unflattering nude coloured dress while the punk munk hunk wore a corset and some other shit

then blondie came on stage an hour

there was also a band member with striped red tights

shan and me

it was a pretty good concert despite the fact that we probably were familiar with only half of their repertoire. I even relived my days of being a groupie and took pictures of Deborah Harry as she was being whisked away in her getaway van.

then blondie came on stage an hour

there was also a band member with striped red tights

shan and me

it was a pretty good concert despite the fact that we probably were familiar with only half of their repertoire. I even relived my days of being a groupie and took pictures of Deborah Harry as she was being whisked away in her getaway van.

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