Saturday, March 05, 2005

Braddell Fish and Chips

There is a small fish and chips joint near the office that does pretty decent fish and chips and a few other things like curry(very british!), pasta and roast chicken. The weird thing about this establishment is that they also serve the fish on rice and serve it with a curry sauce! What would the queen say to this stupefying of an already doomed cusine?

Bland, bland and bland....
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The first time i ate there, i was just blinded by the hype(as all Singaporeans like to eat anything in vogue or new, they were featured in the papers anyway), i had the fish and chips with curry sauce.... and to my horror, the curry tasted raw, had a sticky consistency and was slightly sweet! Although the fish was light crisp and fluffy on the inside, i just could not fathom the concept of eating it with chilli sauce, rice and a ghastly curry sauce....
But before you judge me, i do occasionaly indulge in Japanese curry rice with some shit(usually chicken) on the top.

Fen and Bryan indulging
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