Chanko Nabe

Its been cold and wet lately so i suggested to Mako to have steamboat for dinner but instead he suggested having chanko nabe, which is basically the same thing but Japanese. Chanko being the the staple food of Sumo wrestlers does not make you bulk up into a Yokozuna cos it is relatively healthy, you just need to eat a sumo portion to pack on the pounds. Many retired sumo wrestlers open up chanko restaurants in Japan but we didnt expect this one to be owned by one too as the waitress pointed this out as we were looking at the sumo wrestler photos on the wall.

The hotpot comes to the table with most ingredients already in the pot, so the fire is turned on for you and you just wait for it too cook. We had a couple of pretty tasty appertizers while the chanko was cooking.
Pretty awsome sashmi. Note the thickness. Practically melts in your mouth.

Devine deepfried tenticles.

Cant remember what this is called, but its basically fried minced tofu with other things in it.

The chanko's flavour is light yet tasty and with further cooking, the broth tasted even better...

Finally the diner is given a choice to finish off the soup either by just drinking it, adding udon or rice into it. We decided to have it with rice and to my surprise, it was cooked by the waitress at the table for a good 5 minutes and turnd into porridge! Not what i had in mind but good none the less.

Labels: Chanko Nabe, Hotpot, Japanese, Sumo
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