Nasi Rawan @Simei

This is the 3rd time I am having nasi rawan. The 1st time was probably 5 years ago at the cafateria of my old office. I asked Maznah who runs the Muslim food stall there what that black coloured gravy with bits of meat was, but she wouldn't tell me and insisted that I just try it. So I did. The gravy was nice but the bits of meat tasted a bit gamey and looked funny. Like there were silvery triangular bits on the meat. I remember being a bit grossed out after eating a full piece....I didn't finish my lunch and bought 2 curry puffs and ate that instead. I asked Maznah what part of the cow/sheep was it that she used in making the dish and she said, "tounge". I remember feeling a bit nauseaous.(I am a bit of a pussy when it comes to eating spare parts).
The 2nd time was probably 2 years later when Herda brought some home made nasi rawan to the office. I had still no idea what nasi rawan was still but when I had the packet of rice with bergedil, sambal goreng and killer sambal belachan. She explained that it was buak keluak that was used in it and that was the ingredient that gave the gravy its black colour.

This time when I had it it didn't have that much of a kick and there was the mysterious part of the carcass looking at me again... If anyone can clarify what bodypart this is, do leave a comment.
dude, those are protruding taste buds...
so its true! eeew!
Raj! It's tetel OR tongue! Looks like tongue to me, but anyhow, who cares if already taste nice? Ergh, I'm not a fan of spareparts either!
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