Fusion Tapas

After a pretty good blind date yesterday I ended up with the rest of the gang at The Wine Connection at Robertson Walk. They were earlier at a wedding that had served them insufficient food so after a bit of wine everyone was beginning to have the munchies. We had a cheese platter but that was for barely enough for us so we asked for another but they said that they have ran out of cheese so I got one of the jars of antipasto that they sold. It was of grilled peppers soaked in olive oil. It would be perfect to have with bread. Sadly they had ran out of bread too so I headed to a nearby booth that sold snacks and bought some calbee prawn crackers. They didn't really soak up the olive oil so I walked down to 7-11 to get some bread. On the way back I picked up some prata. The prata wasn't very absorbent either as it was a little greasy but it tasted pretty interesting with the peppers.
We later went to Home where there was a Poptart gig going on. It was good but I can't help feeling old in that crowd. Some skinny guys were bodysurfing. I wonder how long I could be held up for before everyone buckles under my weight. The night ended with beer being spilt on Shan (they have pretty absorbent curtains there), me screaming out New Order's 'Regret', singing along to Catatonia's 'Road Rage' in the car and a massive headache from too much smoking.
dude, we kinda brought wine connection to a really low level didnt we... wat with prata and gardenia bread.... its been ghettoized....
the surrounding area is like a ghetto... but just think of it as food pairing. for me, the prata brought out the full flavour of the wine, esp the one that rama selected. And its not gardenia but sunshine milk and oat bread. I thought it was perfect for dipping. Oishi!!
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