Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Mac Virgin

I spent most of yesterday hanging out with Spaz. He is leaving the country for greener pastures in less than 2 weeks so I thought that I should spend some time with him. He got himself a new ibook and after finding a scratch on it (barely 2 days into the purchase), he whipped out a bottle of car wax and started buffing. I am not entirely sure it its good your computer but the scratch did almost disappear...
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This is AC the dog. I think she has issues. She is generally timid but not when she is taken for a walk. She will then turn into this frisky bitch in heat, constantly peeing(or marking her spot). She hates being photographed and if you are lucky you might see her getting humped by Bear, her sister.
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If only they made prozac for pets

We had dinner at Scotts Picnic and headed to ICB for beer.... here are some pix taken under the influence of alcohol...
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

the pic under the ashtray is really scary. was it taken at romeo?


September 15, 2005 10:20 PM  
Blogger Rajipoo said...

Romeo? that's a trannie joint at Orchard's towers rite? all the pix were taken at Ice Cold Beer lah... Will inform the person in the pix that he looks like a "sister"

September 15, 2005 11:30 PM  

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