Taste just like Toddy!

Parents got back from India this morning and they bought an adventurous mix of alcohol with their duty free allowance. Dewar's whiskey, passion fruit brandy, two bottles of expensive jacob's creek(39 bucks!) and 2 sampler bottles of sparkling rose wine. Got back from the office today and found one of the sparkling wine bottles open with some left and retro champagne glasses on the kitchen couter. They had a wine tasting without me! I poured the rest for myself, took a sip and thought that it tasted like monet & chandon.... then my mum said "nice colour" referring to the drink, but then she actually ment "nice kallu". Kallu means toddy in Malayalam. Now who needs champagne when u can have the luscious fermenting sap of a flowering branch of a coconut tree. You know what drink to bring if u come over and want to earn brownie points with my mother.
Hey, do u know where we can get toddy?? Haven't had it for so long.....
Haha, I wish i knew...don't think you can get it in singapore. I had it somewhere in Johor ages ago, and 2 years ago in India. Where did you have it?
My family used to go Malaysia (Ipoh) very often when i was younger. My Dad love Toddy and i will also sneak a few gulps from his cup when he is not looking. Damn nice..... hehe but after that i will sleepzzzzzzzz.
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