Muthu's Curry

Kevin and I ended up at Muthu's curry yesterday after not being able to decide on where to eat last night. That place is just not the same anymore. Almost everything about it is different. Even the location. It underwent a whole new image overhaul and has zen inspired decor with cheesy new age music(they were playing Enya) Why can't they play some classical Indian music instead? The food is not as spicy(target markets are mainly the local Chinese and tourists, anyway which Indian with half a brain would pay good money to eat a fish head when you can get more fish and less head for cheaper). The chicken masala almost tasted like it was a nothern Indian dish. I remember my father bringing home chicken masala when I was a kid and it would be arse burningly spicy and the tumeric from the masala would stain your hands yellow, even after washing. But those days are gone.

Masala tea came with a cinnamon stick stirrer. So chi chi!
I can't say that the food was bad. It was still good. Just didn't have a big enough kick for me. I did have a beer with the meal and it somehow did balanced out with all that mild heat. I have had Erdinger with a pretty spicy nasi padang once and that didn't go down too well somehow. We also had fried mutton(though was more like mutton masala), fried fish and fish cutlets. Kevin seemed particularly fond of the cutlets. I think that the only thing that tasted the same from last time was probably the gravies that came with the meal. I dunno if I should feel happy or sad. I can't stand this. Everyone is selling out.

Branding seems too important these days.
every colourful food pic on your site taunts me like hell!
I have the same 'complaints' as well. It's just not the same anymore. When my friends suggested that I bring them to Muthu's Curry, the first thing I said was "No thanks too hot for me!" but we ended up going 2 weeks back and everythings changed. And the waiter serving us was Mr Stalin! I think I'll stick to Apollo Banana Leaf. The masala still stains your hand and they still serve arse buster dishes! dad brought back some curries from banana leaf appolo and it rocked. we were discussing the muthu curry situation and he said that he has been there once since the revamp and called the food "lousy".
funfact: did u know that that the owners of Muthu's curry and banana leaf appolo were brothers? dishes were almost the same during the early days. Muthu died few years back though...
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