Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Deepavali Delight

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This is probably the most bo-chap Deepavali that I have ever had. With my parents out of town and nothing festive to eat, I took the mandatory oil bath(I feel very supple now) and went to the coffeeshop for a plate of chicken rice. I did do some Raya cooking at the Sengari household though. The girls had ambitious plans to make many kuehs but we only got around to making murukku in a rainbow of ghastly colours.

But first they had to bathe the cat.
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the proud mother beaming down on her little...

The Murukku was really dangerous to make. The hot oil splattered violently everytime we put in a new batch. Yet I lived to tell this tale, but will just let the boils from the scalds I got to do the talking.
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pretzel shaped murukku are all the rage this festive season

We stopped when it got close to the time to break fast. Syareena's mum made kacang phool and beehoon soup, but first we had to deliver some kacang phool to their aunt's place and to pick up some eggs to make suji cake(that we didn't make).
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Enak sekali!

After dininer we were barely able to get off our fannies to get back to slaving in front of the hot oil for our edible art. But the girls who I suspect were deprived of playdoh as children soldiered on to make more innovative designs.
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not sure if this was supposed to be a fallopian tube, a green wig or something else
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I think this can be made into bling-bling

At the end of it all I was tired, greasy and very burnt. If we ever do this again, I think we will be needing these.


Blogger Rajipoo said...

You liked it? I thought it was a bit bland.... but since u liked it then it was worth getting disfigured by hot oil.

November 06, 2005 9:14 AM  
Blogger Rajipoo said...

sure no prob. Lemme know if u want a higher resolution image

November 06, 2005 10:57 PM  

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