Day 9 - Tokyo

Neil woke me up 2 hours after I got to bed. I felt like absolute shit. Of course he threw a hissy fit for abandoning him last night. Our train back was not till 12.30 but had to check out at 10.30 so we decided to have breakfast (brekkie number 2 for me) at the McDonald's where we could stay out of he heat and not have to lug our stuff around.

Looks like we weren't the only ones who went to MacDonalds for refuge... but these girls were there to nap after a long night out.
Its hot everywhere. The train station had its air-conditioning on to a bare minimum. The waiting room showed other travellers straining from the heat whilst fanning themselves. We got out of the stuffy station to have a cigarette hoping that that there might be a breeze or something. There was actually a slight breeze for a few seconds but a minute later the heat radating off the tarmac got quite unbearable. The alcohol consumed just a few hours earlier didn't help either.

Neil found an air-conditioning vent.
The Shinkansen was warm and stuffy and sleeping was not easy. I kept getting up every 15 minutes, waking up hot and sweaty and trying to fan ourselves back to sleep.
Getting back to Tokyo was a bit of a relief. Apparently it has been raining and the weather was somewhat cooler. Even the the Subway was cooler than in Osaka.

Back at Baraki Nakayama, Neil and I tucked into curry at Coco Curry...

then went back and napped till dinnertime.
Neil got up feeling like he had to make up for not drinking last night but first decided to clear out the shoebox a bit

This stuff is vile. And I am not just talking about the white boy. Shochu is like Japanese vodka and it come in what looks like a milk carton. Call me a pussy but I will stick to biru.
We went for dinner at Nishifunabashi and went to a restaurant that had too many things on the menu

These deep fried whitebait was excellent with a squeeze of lemon

Neil with a prized catch which he literally caught with his teeth.
We walked around Nishifunabashi and looked for a place to have a drink in but the place seemed pretty dead so we decided to head back to the shoebox where i could sleep off the rest of my hangover...

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