Saturday, February 26, 2005

Shan's birthday at the four floors of whores

Ok i have decided not to make this purely a food blog. Its just too bizzare and boring to talk abt all the stuff i stuff my face with.
Anyways Shan had one of her many dreams come true last saturday and that was to go to Top Ten for drinks....

I actually was clearing out my email the other day and found one from shan from last year(as you can see i am not big on electronic housekeeping)that suggested having drinks at Top Ten for laughs....

Prior to top ten, we were at Crazy Horse, no no not Le Crazy Horse the famous French cabret, but its Orchard Towers franchise. But this Franchise had pretty hot chicks with dicks. I thought the Naoami Cambell lookalike did a pretty good job, watever it was that she got done to her. No pix taken there though, didnt want to incur the wrath of the pimps/bouncers/trannies/

Not much in your face sleaze going on at Top Ten though. The "foreign talent" could tell that we were there just for the live band so no one was solicited. I guess they have have to be good judges of character to work in the industry...

The last stop was Mad Monks. Drum and bass. I had such a splitting headache. And tired. Cannot dance to drum and bass any more... just not the spring chicken that i used to be

Monday, February 21, 2005

Fungal yong tao foo

The auntie selling yong tau foo at Aroma(thats the coffee shop next to the office for all you non SPHees out there)always speaks to me in Hokkien. I can probably get by ordering food in all major offical languages(if pointing at a dish or picture counts as an official language). I like the yong tau foo there cos they have cloud ear fungus, which is really crunchy and velverty.mmmmmmm....

Thursday, February 17, 2005

Day two

Today I ate at the vonderful SPH canteen. No pix though. Usual nasi padang shit. Fried sweet tempe, sayur lodeh and ayam from the nasi bryani.... Delish! I cant really stand the vendor though. He calls everyone 'member'. and he is kinda pushy... esp if i just wanna look at the lauk. Breakfast also was in the canteen - sardine prata.was ok only lah, bit soggy. Wolfed it down pretty quick cos i was late and didnt want to skive too much. mebbe that's why it didn't taste too great.

Meeting CF to shop for abang's birthday present.She intends to buy him seluar dalams for everyday of the week. i suggested monday to thursday to be regular boxers, somthing a bit more risque for friday whilst saturday and sunday can be atheletic support for their sporty weekends.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Day One

ok this is my online food journal cum calorie counter that i decided to start on a slow day in the office. Its for me to share my culinary and gastronomic adventures with anyone who has at least half a brain and nothing better to do. pix shows a bowl of what i ate for breakfast(lor mee wif loads of garlic mmmm...).what to have for lunch? Decisions decisions...