This is the 3rd time I am house sitting for my friend Arthur and I ask myself why I actually put myself through the agony of picking up other people's pet poo. Situated in the middle of nowhere with an empty refrigerator and only cans of organic dog food, the only consolation was that the place where he is staying now has a pool. But it was pissing down today and I can't even get the water heater to work. I am a miserable wreck with 2 needy dogs to feed and entertain. Took Bruce and Buffy down for a walk as soon as I could find their leashes. I don't think I will ever make it as a professional dog walker cos I can't even control 2 little dogs during their walk. But then I forget this is Singapore and the maids walk the dogs here.

Possum anyone?

Presentation is everything...
After feeding the dogs, I managed to get online(dail-up connection!) and chatted for a bit. Didn't know what to eat so Syereen suggested a few places that deliver. One of them was golden pillow which she mentioned a few times before so I thought I should give it a try. The lady who took my order sounded like she was in a warzone. She said the delivery would take an hour and a half, judging from my location. I could sense that she was just trying to get me to cancel my order as I was a bit out of the way of their regular delivery route. I was not very hungry so I told her I could wait and she reluctantly agreed.
It actually arrived in less than an hour and came delivered in a box that held a squarish loaf of bread. I was expecting a bun dripping with curry but as I tore into the bun I found a plastic bag that held the curry. Novel idea but wouldn't the plastic bag release toxins when its baked? The curry was incredibly lousy. No, actually it was shit. Chinese curries seem to be made up of a standard set of spices and lots of coconut milk. Sometimes it's actually nice. But not this.

Peeeewwww, pui, puke!
But I was quite hungry by then and had almost half the giant bun and curry, feeling quite grossed-out after. Aiya, I am not a fussy eater, just a bitchy one.
Met Shan at Holland Village to get some lunch and groceries today. We first went to some of the chi chi shops selling designer food at Chip Bee gardens and sniggered at the things they sold. One of them was Da Paulo Gastronomia where we actually spent money in.

Shan got some lemon frosted cupcakes (which we wolfed down immediately after stepping out of the shop), while I bought a lamb shank, a stuffed portabello mushroom that cost 12 friggin dollars and a very fine slab of chocolate truffle.
We went back to the apartment, swam and fed the doggies, then ourselves with a bags of chips and our gourmet purchases.

The lamb shank was not bad though not hearty and a bit bland, while the 12 dollar portabello mushroom(I swear I didn't know that it would cost so much) tasted like shitake but smokier-would do very well if it were sliced and tossed with pasta.

This is worth 6 packets of chicken rice
We had no space left in us for dessert so we went to the balcony to have an after dinner drink while keeping Bruce happy. Fan Fan came over at about 12am and we watched Orange County and Margaret Cho on DVD....
It was almost 4am when the girls left. I felt a major headache coming on and needed to crash. Buffy though had other plans, wanting to jump in bed with me. I could handle that as we slept in the same bed before -just need to endure the sound of her licking herself in complete darkness and silence. Just as I was about to doze off, Buffy started to make hurling sounds. Think she was really going to hurl, I shot out of bed to turn on the light to find her nose dripping wet, probably because she directly under the air-conditioning unit. I put her on the floor and turned off the air-conditioning but she would still occasionally bark at the slightest noise she would hear. At that point I was feeling very highly strung so I got out of bed and scoured through the medicine cabinet hoping to find some Xanax(for me and the dog) but I settled for a Panadol Extra. I finally got to sleep at about 6am, after putting Buffy out of the room.
I had an appointment today at 1pm and got up at 11am after less than 5 hours of unrestful sleep. When I got back, I could tell that Buffy was obviously miserable. She has been missing the litter tray and didn't even touch her morning biscuit treat so I took the dogs for a walk(one at a time) then went for a swim.
Buffy is getting quite smelly. I am not going to shower her. She becomes a monster after a bath as I found out on previous dog sitting sessions and I don't think I deserve anymore hostility from her. The dogs went ballistic when they saw me munching on an apple. I bit off small bits for them but they kept begging for more.Explains their bowel regularity.

Buffy's behavior is freaking me out a little. I hope its just the weather. She seems to be hiding in strange corners of the house and sometimes barks and growls at nothing in particular. She is also terrified by the sound of thunder and the smelly mutt will want to jump on my lap for security. Bruce and his constant whining whilst he is stuck in the balcony(separated cos buffy is not friendly towards other dogs)is really getting to me...Its so hard to please everyone.

I so deserve this